Product Design

Make users genuinely happy with insight-driven design that works.

User Interviews

User interviews are one of the research methods we offer to understand the needs and perspectives of the people who will be using your product. They’re one of the most direct ways to understand the motivations, expectations, and pain points of your target audience, and they can provide insights that lead to a better user experience and new ideas for innovation. Talking directly to your users and hearing what they have to say can boost confidence that you’re building the right product, generate ideas for new features, and give you a unique advantage over competitors.

User interviews are a great way to:

  • Find out how your users are currently solving the problem your product is trying to solve
  • Discover new problems or unknown pain points that lead to product innovation
  • Understand in what ways your product is not meeting customer expectations
  • Uncover why customers might abandon your product so you can improve customer retention
  • Identify the exact language your users use so you can reflect their mental model in your product

As with all of our services, our focus is always on providing the most value to you on a timeframe and budget that fits your needs. We view user interviews as one of the most efficient ways to gather the information you need to improve your product.

What to Expect

Our user interviews consist of five moderated sessions with individuals from your target audience. We usually start by identifying each unique type of user who will be using your product and recommend conducting 5 interviews with individuals of each type. Before we conduct the interviews, our team will meet with you to discuss the goals for the interviews and the research questions that we need to answer. Once we understand your goals, we’ll work with you to recruit the right participants and schedule all sessions.

At Echobind, our user interviews follow a semi-structured process, which means our team will prepare a general script and set of questions that are flexible and allow for nuanced conversation with each participant. A member of our design team will moderate each session. If you’re available, you’re welcome to listen in on these sessions and debrief with our team afterward. If you’re unable to attend, you will have access to the recordings after the interviews are concluded.*

Once we’ve finished the interviews, our team will review our notes and transcripts to synthesize themes and patterns. We’ll write all of this up in a final report with recommendations for next steps.

*We only record sessions if a participant has given permission

How It Works


Our user interviews often include the following milestones:

  • Kickoff Meeting: we’ll meet with you to discuss goals and questions, participant screening criteria, and participant incentives
  • Interview Guide Review
  • Moderated Interviews & Team Debriefs
  • Final Report Delivery


After user interviews, we typically send the following:

  • Interview guide
  • Recordings & transcripts from all sessions
  • Final findings & recommendations report
  • Notes from all meetings
  • Recordings of all meetings

Our Design Services

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