Product Design

Make users genuinely happy with insight-driven design that works.

How design works at Echobind

From navigation to visual design we put the user at the center of the design process. And we take you, the client, on the creative journey from first concept to interactive crowd-pleaser.

User insights at the heart of everything

Awesome products don’t happen by accident. Here are the ways we make sure your user loves you:

  • an audit of comparable products so we know what you need to beat.
  • a search of pattern libraries to find data-backed designs that have worked in the past.
  • interviews with target users to understand their likes and habits.
  • good old-fashioned experience from doing this a thousand times before.

Creating the initial concept

Our UX designers will bring you a draft user flow, with screens mapped against the journey so you can begin to imagine the experience. Wireframes will show how information, buttons and menus will be organized on the screens.

Hardware will be spec’d at this point, if required, for something like a kiosk.

Testing with users, early and often

We’ll run the draft journey by your target user for feedback. And they’ll have some. It’s important to test and adapt now, before you invest in full design. We’ll iterate and test until we get the right balance of user preference and practical business requirements.

Making your product beautiful

With the core journey in place, visual designers will turn those wireframes into a beautiful brand experience. And we’ll future-proof you by using a modular design system that can scale easily and affordably as your product evolves.

Rolling out a prototype

As a final pre-build step, you (and your users) will get to play with a mock-up. You’ll be able to navigate through the prototype to get a sense of the live experience. This is a great opportunity to make any final tweaks before your product goes into build.

Our Design Services

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