
This Month We Learned - September 2019

Anne TolmieSaturday, October 19, 2019
An acorn on top of fall leaves.

September Edition

At Echobind, we strive to create a culture that fosters growth, full of people who want to grow. Our aim is to constantly learn new things and share them with one another.

Our This Month We Learned series is a monthly piece about some of the things we’ve learned as a team over the previous month.

The spirit of Fall is in full blow at Echobind. The following are some acorns of wisdom we harvested in the month of September.

1. Kory showed us an awesome resource to find useful tips about Ruby on Rails.

It includes a comprehensive list of best practices along with random gotchas. You can find the link Kory is referring to here.

Tweet about Ruby on Rails

2. Our CTO, Chris, showed us a flag you can pass to ts-node to improve performance.

By default, ts-node will check all types in your project on execution. However, when running commands that migrate the database or start a server, this is probably not necessary. By using `TS_NODE_TRANSPILE_ONLY`, ts-node will convert TypeScript to JavaScript, but skip the type-checking. This will be significantly faster.

Today I learned tweet by CTO Chris Ball

3. We learned from Isaiah how cool it is to use this package!

Here is the link to the package. Stay cool, like Isaiah!

Today I learned tweet by Isaiah Grey

4. Ryan taught us about the performance utility built into Javascript.

The benefit? It can help you measure loading and execution speeds with a greater degree of accuracy than comparing Date objects.

Today I learned tweet about JavaScript

5. Joe, currently known as TypeScript Joe, taught us about renaming a GraphQL filed in your query with an alias.

In GraphQL, when you ask for data, you have to ask for things based on their actual names. Sometimes, you want to change the name when you get that data back, so you can do that with an alias.

In the GraphQL schema, the data he wanted was called timeRecord. He wanted it to be called updateTimeRecord so he used an alias to achieve this.

Today I learned tweet about GraphQL

Thanks for learning with us!Feel free to reach out to us through our contact page with any thoughts or questions. Until next month!

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