
Echobind Ships Expo TypeScript Template 2.0.0

Jenn RobisonTuesday, August 23, 2022
a laptop keyboard

We are super excited to announce we have shipped a new version of our Expo React Native TypeScript template. You may not even know we had a template out there, but our team has been busy using the first version on our mobile application projects, and we were ready to embrace some of the latest changes in the React Native & Expo communities.

Not familiar with our template? Here’s the tl;dr (too long; didn’t read)…

  • An opinionated Expo Bare Workflow template that will allow you to start a new React Native project quickly with TypeScript, Prettier, ESLint, and some custom configurations to improve the development process. 💖

You might ask why Echobind has a template. Similar to our open source project, Bison, we have implemented the same solutions many times for our clients, so why not make it an easy-to-use format and share it with the community?

What’s new?

This newest version of the Expo template upgrades from SDK version 44.0.2 to bring it current with the latest 46.0.2 (as of publishing this article). Check out Expo’s blog about the release of this version, as there are some really great improvements. This includes the upgrade from React 17 to 18, bringing in the latest and greatest of React Native and the new architecture of version 0.69.x.

There are several dependency updates for StoryBook and React Native Navigation, among others.

It’s super simple to give our template a try! Simply create a new Expo project and reference our template with the following command:

expo init --template @echobind/expo-typescript

To learn more about Echobind's React Native capabilities, visit our React Native capabilities page.

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