
Investing in Echobind

Michael Yared
Michael YaredFriday, September 14, 2018
Outline of a mountain, cactus, and sun with the "Echobind Summit 2018, Scottsdale, AZ".

After a great first half of the year, we’ve made some exciting investments in Q3 that we would like to share.

Our agency is growing, and we’ve added three full time employees to our team. We picked up Ashley Nelms, a developer from Seattle, who is our first Delivery Lead. Ashley is a problem solver and brings exceptional communication skills to Echobind. Ashley is also at the beginning stages of her development career. We look forward to helping her develop both of these complementary skills.

In August, Matt Thompson accepted our offer to join the team as a full stack Software Developer. Matt made the call easy for us. He brings experience in React and Elixir, tech we use every day. When Matt’s not at work, he spends time woodworking and helping co-manage local meetups in Louisville.

We had to announce that Jeff Zhen will be ending his internship sooner than expected. But we’re not sad at all as Jeff will be joining our Boston team as a full time developer. Jeff’s a reformed scientist with a BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. He’s proven that he can take any project that we throw at him.

And with one internship ending, another begins. Chelsea Galvez, a senior at University of Washington, has joined us for the fall. Chelsea won us over with her approach to problem solving. We’re excited to add her voice during our planning sessions and to see how her skills enhance several of our internal and client projects.

Chelsea Galvez sitting on oversized teddy bear

Jeff Zhen

Matt Thompson woodworking

Ashley Nelms

Chelsea, Jeff, Matt & Ashley

Adding Creatives

Speaking of design… We’re going to continue investing in creative resources. For years, we’ve worked with trusted subcontractors or partnered with other agencies to add creative work to our applications. But now we’re ready to take the next step and invest in a Design Lead.

Our team has a diverse background working at larger agencies, product companies and startups. We know what we like and don’t like, but we’re also not afraid to say there’s a lot we don’t know. That’s why for us, it’s critical that this first hire has passion for design, can communicate their ideas clearly, and can lead integration efforts_._ Look for us to roll out additional design services in 2019!

Our Summit

Echobind 2019 summit logo

Echobind is taking the week September 17th off from client work to invest in ourselves. We’re flying the entire team to beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona for a week in a desert mansion. Every morning we will be sharpening our strategic thinking and problem solving skills while the afternoons will be spent collaborating on a company project.

Our takeaways include new skills for our consulting work and the launch of an internal product. As a remote agency, it’s a unique opportunity for us to be in the same city, so we’re thrilled for the opportunity to work together on a shared vision with a common goal. It’s a chance to recharge and level up as a team, and we can’t wait to see what we accomplish in Q4.

P.S. — We’re hiring React and React Native developers!

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