How to Deploy a Next.js App to Azure with Docker
In this guide, we'll walk through deploying a Next.js application to Azure using a Dockerfile and the Azure CLI. We'll use the Container Apps product which provides a serverless, scalable way to host containerized applications without the need to manage the underlying infrastructure. Since Dockerfiles are typically tailored to each project, we'll exclude them from this guide.
Before starting, ensure you have the following tools installed:
- A Next.js application with a Dockerfile
- An Azure account (new accounts include free credits)
- Docker installed on your machine
- Azure CLI for command-line management
Step 1: Setting Up Your Azure Environment
1.1 Create an Azure Account
If you don’t have an Azure account yet, sign up at Azure Portal. The free-tier provides sufficient resources to get started.
1.2 Install Azure CLI
The Azure CLI enables you to manage Azure resources directly from your terminal:
# macOS brew install azure-cli # Windows winget install -e --id Microsoft.AzureCLI
1.3 Authenticate with Azure
After installation, log in to your Azure account and set up your subscription:
az login az account list --output table az account set --subscription "Your Subscription Name"
1.4 Create a Service Principal
For secure deployments, create a service principal with contributor permissions:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "nextjs-deploy" --role contributor \ --scopes /subscriptions/$(az account show --query id -o tsv)
Step 2: Preparing Your Azure Resources
2.1 Create a Resource Group
Organize your Azure resources by creating a resource group:
export AZURE_RG_NAME="your-resource-group" az group create --name $AZURE_RG_NAME --location "eastus2"
2.2 Register Required Azure Providers
Ensure that necessary Azure services are registered before deployment:
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerRegistry az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerInstance az provider register --namespace Microsoft.App
2.3 (Optional) Set Up a PostgreSQL Database
If your Next.js application requires a database, you can set up an Azure PostgreSQL server:
export AZURE_DB_SERVER="your-db-server" export POSTGRES_USER="dbadmin" export POSTGRES_PASSWORD="password" az postgres flexible-server create \ --name $AZURE_DB_SERVER \ --resource-group $AZURE_RG_NAME \ --location "eastus2" \ --admin-user $POSTGRES_USER \ --admin-password "$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" \ --sku-name "Standard_B1ms" \ --tier "Burstable" \ --storage-size 32 \ --backup-retention 7
For production, consider using the General Purpose
tier with redundancy for improved availability.
Step 3: Building and Deploying Your Next.js Application
3.1 Create an Azure Container Registry
To store Docker images, create an Azure Container Registry (ACR):
export AZURE_CONTAINER_REGISTRY="yourregistry" az acr create \ --resource-group $AZURE_RG_NAME \ --name $AZURE_CONTAINER_REGISTRY \ --sku Basic \ --admin-enabled true
3.2 Build and Push Your Docker Image
Ensure your Next.js app has a Dockerfile
, then build and push the image:
az acr login --name $AZURE_CONTAINER_REGISTRY docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 \ -t $ \ --push .
3.3 Deploy to Azure Container Apps
Set up an Azure Container App environment and deploy your application:
export AZURE_CONTAINER_INSTANCE="your-app-name" az containerapp env create \ --name "$AZURE_CONTAINER_INSTANCE-env" \ --resource-group $AZURE_RG_NAME \ --location "eastus2" ACR_USERNAME=$(az acr credential show --name $AZURE_CONTAINER_REGISTRY --query "username" -o tsv) ACR_PASSWORD=$(az acr credential show --name $AZURE_CONTAINER_REGISTRY --query "passwords[0].value" -o tsv) az containerapp create \ --name $AZURE_CONTAINER_INSTANCE \ --resource-group $AZURE_RG_NAME \ --environment "$AZURE_CONTAINER_INSTANCE-env" \ --image $ \ --target-port 3000 \ --ingress external \ --registry-server $ \ --registry-username $ACR_USERNAME \ --registry-password $ACR_PASSWORD \ --secrets database-url="$DATABASE_URL" \ --env-vars NODE_ENV=production NEXT_TELEMETRY_DISABLED=1
3.4 Retrieve Deployment URL
Check if your application is live by running:
az containerapp show \ --name $AZURE_CONTAINER_INSTANCE \ --resource-group $AZURE_RG_NAME \ --query "properties.configuration.ingress.fqdn" \ --output tsv
Step 4: Managing Your Application
Updating Environment Variables
Modify application settings post-deployment:
az containerapp update \ --name $AZURE_CONTAINER_INSTANCE \ --resource-group $AZURE_RG_NAME \ --set-env-vars DATABASE_URL="new-database-url"
Viewing Logs
Monitor application logs:
az containerapp logs show \ --name $AZURE_CONTAINER_INSTANCE \ --resource-group $AZURE_RG_NAME
Scaling for Performance
Enable automatic scaling based on HTTP traffic:
az containerapp update \ --name $AZURE_CONTAINER_INSTANCE \ --resource-group $AZURE_RG_NAME \ --min-replicas 1 \ --max-replicas 10 \ --scale-rule-name http-rule \ --scale-rule-type http \ --scale-rule-http-concurrency 50
By deploying your Next.js application to Azure Container Apps with Docker, you gain a reliable and scalable hosting environment. With automatic scaling, comprehensive logging, and flexible environment configurations, Azure makes it easy to manage modern web applications.
For further reading: